Yeah it's that time of year again; the time when we reflect on all that we are thankful for... but strangely, I am not feeling all that sentimental; thankful yes, but sentimental, no. In fact, I just chewed out my 14 year old for spouting off sarcastic comments to me and being disrespectful in front of a roomful of people. I truly believe that the holidays or, um, family, bring out the best and the worst in people. You realize that you're thankful that you have a family and that they love you and are there for you, but then you also realize that everyone is talking about everyone and why did your nephew smack your kid and why the hell isn't your brother doing anything about it? You just step back and go, what is joyous about this whole thing again? The cooking, well, the reheating, the cleaning, the disrespectful children, trying to spray whipped cream into their mouths directly from the can? I think about this and then I remind myself that the Thanksgivings that I loved the most were when I was a kid and I didn't have to worry about not having enough tupperware to put leftovers in running out of silverware before dessert... That's why the kids love it, that's why I loved it then... no worries, except for eating and being together.
I like the moments when we laugh at each other and even the moments when one of my brothers makes some snide comment and they always do, about something inane. I roll my eyes when I have to take the baseball bats from my nephew and from Ty who, incidentally are swinging them at the big punching bag out in the garage. I shudder to think of Luke swinging the bat near Ty's head. I smile when Katie comes and sits next to me to show me how well she can read Junie B. Jones and I crack up when she ran up earlier and said, "Aunt Vet, there's zombies in the backyard" as Christine, John and Steve chased the little kids around while they screamed.
Maybe it's only a matter of time before you notice the little things that piss you off or annoy the hell out of you; that just comes with the territory I guess, but, as the day winds down, you kind of shrug and smile and say, well, at least we all have a chance to share those moments together and you remember what really makes the holidays so great. It's not the food and it's definitely not the football, although my family would disagree with that. It's about having something to share with people who know you and who, at the very least, claim to love you; it's about coming together once in awhile and forgetting the little things like your brother texting that you are a dick (he claims it was meant for someone else) or the mass confusion about why there are two turkeys and no ham. Maybe there needs to be more booze and less tryptophan; maybe there needs to be more time to play and less cooking, sorry reheating. Maybe there needs to be less of everything; less money spent, less effort, less worry. Maybe there just needs to be a day when you see your family and it's just about sitting around, shooting the shit and escaping the daily grind and really, that should be enough.
I like Thanksgiving. I always have. I like laughing with my brothers and seeing the kids interact with each other and with my parents. I like having to cut Tim off after whatever number margarita he's on. I was half joking, but he actually said at one point, "I'm cut off." I like that I'm no longer waitressing on the holidays; that was always the worst. I like that Ty passed out cold at 8:00 and hasn't moved since. I like that my mom is feeling better and that the rugrat Maynard made an appearance. I like that there are leftovers. And I really like that no one has to get up early tomorrow...
I have great kids, I have a husband who claims to still love me after 18 years of marriage, I have a job that I love and friends who support me and who make me laugh, I have a family who I care for deeply and, I have a full life. For all those things and people, I am truly thankful. Next year I hope to be thankful for the following:
A better economy, a Guilty verdict and life in prison for Jerry Sandusky, less military personnel deployed overseas, more quality educators, Nick making and keeping friends, more patience, less profanity (dammit, going to have to work on that) more flexibility (literally and figuratively), a full time job for Steve and sobriety, more overtime for police officers if they want it, a full time job for Christine in her field wherever she wants it, a great soccer season for Jake, more time with my husband, better knees and, a trip to the Chicago marathon... and that's just the short list. Happy Thanksgiving!
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